Sunday, December 28, 2014

Seven for Sunday

1.  It was so nice to be home for Christmas this year!  I can't believe we hadn't done it for three years in a row.

2.  I'm also really glad we got some good family time in.  We needed that for sure!!

3.  Finally, some new boots!  They'll get some good use in this chilly weather we have to get used to again.

4.  I'm sorry the Hobbit didn't work out last night, but here's hoping we can try again soon!  Maybe this week?

5.  But I am glad we found a Japanese steakhouse place that we love!  Now we don't have to drive all the way to Pensacola, lol.

6.  Yay for spending gift card money!  :)

7.  Thank you for being awesome this week.  I love you!

ily <3

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