Monday, August 18, 2014


As the end of the year ticks down (and inevitably the end of our time in Hawaii), I'm becoming more and more willing to shake things up around the old blog here, except this time in a big way.  It's been on my mind for a while now to really revamp my blog, and the occasional new background and color schemes just isn't cutting it anymore for me!


I have a few ideas in mind for how I want to go about all of this, but first and foremost I wanted you all to know that it will most certainly involve a blog title change and a domain name change.  I'm going to figure out the best way to make sure this transition is as seamless as possible and that it doesn't affect any of my readers in any way.

Why am I changing my title and domain at this stage of my blog, you ask?  Mr. L and I will soon be undergoing a major transition in our lives.  The possibility of Mr. L leaving the military is getting stronger and stronger every day thanks to his illness, which is still yet to be diagnosed.  Because of this particular upheaval and everything thing else that will ultimately come with it, I feel like it is time to graduate from "The Landrum Wife" and onto something a little less "wife-y" and a little more suitable for my personality and overall perspective.  Since I suppose this could be considered a "lifestyle" blog, I want to represent my viewpoint on my life and I'm hoping I'll be able to find a good "brand" as a vehicle for that message soon.

As I go through this process, I will keep everyone updated, and when it comes time to make the switch, you all will be the first ones to know.  Hopefully this change will be received well and will be as easy as possible to accomplish, haha.  Thanks so much for your understanding and support, and until next time, aloha!  :)

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