Friday, June 6, 2014

Five for Friday

1.  It's been a heck of a week, hasn't it?  This new news kind of threw us for a loop, but I hope you know that I am up for anything that either keeps you in the military and/or keeps you happy!

2.  Figure out what you want to do for your birthday!!  :)

3.  I'm sorry acupuncture was really painful this week, but I am very glad you're going back.  I think it helps you more than you realize!

4.  It's about time you started reading GoT!  Now finish the series in less than five years please, haha.

5.  It really meant a lot to me to see how proud you were of me the other night for sticking with my C25K program.  You're such an amazing support system!

ily <3

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