Sunday, May 11, 2014

Six for Saturday

1.  I'm glad we got to take advantage of your early day yesterday!  It was really nice, even if we spent a half hour looking for dang Legos, haha.

2.  I am beyond thrilled that we got to go back to Maui :)  I had a wonderful time with you and I hope you did too!

3.  Watching the sunrise with you at Haleakala will probably be one of my fondest memories with you.  I'm so happy we got to finally see it and no government shutdowns interfered!

4.  I'm glad you went out on a walk with me tonight!  Let's keep it up :)

5.  We need to get started on chores!  It's almost time for more company!  :D

6.  Um, how in the heck is our four year anniversary this week??  Where has the time gone?!

ily!  <3

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