Sunday, October 27, 2013

Photo-a-Day OIC - Week 4

Looks like we're almost through with October -- one more half week to go!  Here's week 4's collection of pictures:

Day 20 - Spread the Spark

Recipe on the dinner rotation this week from SparkRecipes

Day 21 - Snack

Delicious leftover pulled pork grilled cheese from Tin Hut BBQ!

Day 22 - Sunrise/Morning

Coffee from a souvenir mug from Maui Ocean Center = a good morning

Day 23 - Love

<3 my camera!

Day 24 - Home

My favorite piece of decor in the house, and still a favorite DIY project!

Day 25 - Pleasure

Delicious macarons (two are Halloween flavored!) from Cake Works Hawaii!

Day 26 - Sunset

Our last sunset on was a stunner!

Feel like participating in this photo challenge?  Join me over on Instagram, and don't forget to tag your photos with #fallfavorites and #sparkpeople!

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