Monday, October 21, 2013

Photo-a-Day OIC - Week 3

I can't believe week three is already behind us!  Here are all of my pictures below:

Day 14 - Harvest

Not your typical fall harvest, but I love me some grapes!  :)

Day 13 - Fall Sports

College football season is our FAVORITE time of year.  We love it so much!

Day 15 - Selfie

Day 16 - Apples

Day 17 - Smile

Crooked Schnauzer smiles = love.

Day 18 - Workout Shoes

Yes, I am totally cheating since I already took this picture earlier in the month!  Oops!

Day 19 - Refrigerator

Nice, full fridge!

Feel like participating in this photo challenge?  Join me over on Instagram, and don't forget to tag your photos with #fallfavorites and #sparkpeople!

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