Monday, October 14, 2013

Creamy Chicken Brain Dip

For Halloween this year, I knew that I was going to whip up at least one or two various "gross" dishes for the big day.  I just needed a little inspiration first!  I'd seen the infamous meatloaf hand last year, and the thought of using a mold intrigued me, so I went ahead and ordered a couple from Amazon (specifically these two, and FYI, I also saw brain molds on sale at Target recently!).  I didn't think I'd tackle the meatloaf hand (I'll probably use that mold for a dessert instead), but I knew the brain would make a great dip.  I just needed to find the right recipe first!

As I was flipping through a book of family recipes my mother had given me for Christmas, I came upon the recipe for one of my absolute FAVORITE dips, Creamy Chicken Dip.  I'm telling you -- I'm crazy about this dip.  I don't even like some of the things in it -- I despise mayo and I'm not a celery fan -- but I absolutely when it's in this fantastically delicious dip form.  I knew it was going to be the perfect recipe for my idea, especially after I realized gelatin was an ingredient, so I set out to make it happen!

  • 1 can cream of chicken soup
  • 1 envelope unflavored gelatin
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 1 8 oz package cream cheese, softened
  • 3/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 onion, chopped (I diced mine more finely so there aren't onion chunks in the dip)
  • 1/2 cup celery, minced
  • 1 5 oz can chicken chunks, drained (I used about 2/3 - 3/4 cup of shredded rotisserie chicken)


In a small pot, heat up the chicken soup.  

In a bowl, combine the gelatin and water and then stir it into the heated soup.

Blend the mayo, cream cheese, onion, and celery into the soup mixture.  Add chicken and continue mixing.

Place in desired serving bowl (or in this case, your mold of choice).  Refrigerate overnight or at least 6-8 hours.

It would also probably be wise to spray a little bit of Pam into your mold to help it slide out more easily.  I had a tad bit of difficulty getting my dip out of the mold, but after I loosened the sides with a butter knife it did end up sliding out relatively intact.  (I also recently learned that you can dip the mold in some hot water to loosen it up.  I'm definitely trying that next time!)

Serve with your choice of crackers or corn chips and be prepared to gross some people out!  :)

Do you like making "gross" dishes for Halloween?  What's your favorite one?


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