Friday, August 2, 2013

Five for Friday

1.  I can't even begin to explain how happy I am we're sticking to this C25K program.  You're a great motivator and I wouldn't have come nearly as far as I have without you!

2.  I'm really proud of the hard work you've been doing at your shop lately, and I'm excited to see what awesome things you accomplish to make your command a better one.

3.  I really want to consider doing that volunteer opportunity with you.  I think it would be a wonderful way to give back to that particular community, especially since we're so connected to it.

4.  You're my savior when it came to Lila's AWFUL throw up ON MY FOOT.  Thank you for helping to clean it up!

5.  Thank you for offering some clarification on the political stuff we've been talking about lately.  You're helping me expand my point of view and I love you for it!

ily <3

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