Monday, August 19, 2013

A Visit from My Parents!

Last month, I was lucky enough to be able to play hosts to my awesome and amazing parents when they came here to Oahu for an all too brief visit!

Picking them up at HNL!
We may have cried a tiny bit.
We had an absolute blast showing them around the entire island, even if Mr. L wasn't able to be there for most of it.  We got to check out so many different things (I'll be blogging about some of them later in my Getting to Know Hawaii posts!), including visiting almost all of the WWII historical sites, taking my driving tour around the island, conquering two hikes (three if you count Waimea Falls!), enjoying some beach time on the North Shore and the windward side, taking an ATV tour in the mountains, experiencing a luau, doing a sunrise photo session, eating lots of food, and even spending some time with the pups at the dog park and dog beach (whew -- I'm tired just thinking about it all!).

Action packed vacation!
Gorgeous pictures courtesy of Haole Girl Photography

Gorgeous pictures courtesy of Haole Girl Photography
It was really incredible having them visit.  We kept talking about how it didn't really feel real the whole time they were out here!  But I'm really, really happy that they finally got to see where we've been living for the past almost two years.  (Dang, I can't believe it's already been nearly two years!)  And I'm pretty sure they didn't want to go back to the real world at all, haha.  If only they could move out here with us!  :)

Do you live far away from your family?

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