Monday, July 29, 2013

Seven for Sunday

Whoops, I did it again!  Here's a Seven for Sunday to make up for it!

1.  I'm sorry that it feels like I don't hear you sometimes.  Trust me, I do!

2.  I'm glad we got our tropical storm preparation taken care of today.  Thank you for the help!

3.  I'm also glad you enjoyed the salmon tonight!

4.  Thanks for the date night the other night, even though it was supposed to be my treat!

5.  I love watching movies with you.  I really want to go through and watch like one classic movie a week with you or something.

6.  Yay for our new covers for our couch!  Now it's going to be a pain putting them all on, haha.

7.  I'm so proud of all the hard work you accomplished as LPO.  You're such an amazing leader!

ily <3

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