Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Capturing December: Days 25-31

It's so weird that December (and the challenge) are now at an end!  It was fun making memories this month, even if I sucked at posting every day.  Oh well, maybe I'll do better next time =)

Day 25:  Morning

My two Santas on our Christmas morning!

Day 26:  Grateful

I'm definitely grateful to have this little guy around to snuggle with me when Mr. L isn't able to.

Day 27:  Night Time

Playing with focus and bokeh!

Day 28:  Words

Last text message words this go around...and don't worry, we were much mushier in Skype, haha.

Day 29:  Sky View

View of the clouds from my backyard.

Day 30:  Your Winter Wonderland

It's not exactly anyone's "typical" winter wonderland, but I'll take it!

Day 31:  Fun

They all crack me up when they play together.

Happy 2013, everyone!  I wish you all much happiness in the upcoming year!

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