Monday, December 17, 2012

Capturing December: Days 9-16

Ack, looks like I have some major catching up to do!  Here we go...

Day 9:  Something You're Reading

I'm in the middle of rereading one of my favorite series, The Dark Tower by Stephen King.  I just finished the newest addition, The Wind Through the Keyhole (after reading the others chronologically of course!) and I'm moving on to the next book, The Wolves of Calla.

Day 10:  Wrapping Paper

I love all the colorful varieties of wrapping paper!  Definitely gets me in the Christmas spirit =)

Day 11:  Green

Oh yes, this is the rear end of a pair of doggy pajamas for Liam.  I know, I'm a crazy dog person!

Day 12:  A Beautiful Sight

I love sunsets in Hawaii.

Day 13:  Family

Here are a couple of my favorite pictures of my adorable niece and nephew from our recent trip to the mainland:

And also a big Mele Kalikimaka from the Landrums!  =)

Day 14:  Christmas Tree

My attempt at capturing Christmas tree bokeh up top and Christmas tree sunbursts down below.

Day 15:  Favorite Holiday Song

I don't have a favorite Christmas song in particular, so I just listen to all of them via Pandora =)

Day 16:  Outside Christmas Lights

The seriously awesome Christmas lights at Aoki's on the North Shore.  I smile every time I see them!

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