Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Capturing December: Days 17-24

Day 17:  Presents

Day 18:  Stockings

We have a total of six stockings hanging up -- one for Mr. L, one for me, one for Liam, one for Lila, and one each for our two four-legged guests that are visiting with us over the holidays!

Day 19:  Candy Cane

Candy canes on a Christmas tree means Christmas has officially arrived =)

Day 20:  Tree Topper

Mr. L and I got a new LED tree topper this year.  I really like it!

Day 21:  Peace

I'd say sunsets on the world famous Sunset Beach are pretty peaceful.  The surf...not so much!

Day 22:  Tradition

Mr. L and I started a new tradition this year, which is to build a new unique Lego ornament to add to our tree.  (I kind of have a thing for ornaments, if you didn't notice already).  I love this year's creation!  One day we'll probably end up having a mini tree dedicated to these little guys.

Day 23:  Scarf

Flowery print of one of my favorite scarves.  Too bad I can't exactly wear it here!

Day 24:  Favorite Part of Christmas Eve

Hello, Christmas Eve dinner.  You're looking mighty fine.

1 comment:

  1. you could wear that scarf if you were a hipster…do it! do it! do it!
