Monday, November 12, 2012

Ornament Swap 2012

This year I've decided to participate in an ornament swap this Christmas!  Laura from Luckiest in Love's is hosting her third annual ornament swap, and she's also teaming up with a few cohosts, including Whitney of Mr. & Me, Stephanie of Modern Vintage Wife, and Jessica of Jessica Lynn Writes (the blogger from whom I heard about this swap!).  I am very excited -- I haven't participated in this swap before, but it sounds like a lot of fun!

The sign ups will remain open until Saturday, November 17th, and the ornaments themselves will need to be shipped on or before Monday, December 3rd to give people plenty of time to receive and admire them.

If you'd like more information or want to know how to sign up, click here to head on over to Jessica's blog and check out her Ornament Swap post!  Here's to a Mele Kalikimaka for everyone this year!  =)

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