Sunday, October 14, 2012

October Photo Challenge 2012: Day 8 through Day 14

Day 8:  Close-Up

I love looking at the different kinds of sand around the island and noticing all of the parts each kind is comprised of.

Day 9:  Upside Down

Schnauzer wrestling almost always involves one of the two being upside down, kicking and growling.

Day 10:  Favorite

Watching the sunrise at Lanikai Beach is one of my absolute favorite things to do on Oahu.  And this might be cheating just a little bit, but since I only do this with Mr. L, y'all will just have to deal with an older picture from a past blog post!  =)

Day 11:  From Up High

This is another oldie (but goodie!) taken from the Nu'uanu Pali Lookout overlooking the stunning windward side of Oahu.

Day 12:  Hands

This paw might not exactly be a hand, but it's amusing to see how much Liam uses it like one when he needs to open a door or get my attention!

Day 13:  Seat

Easily one of the most comfortable seats in the house (and Liam's favorite!).

Day 14:  Silhouette

I love these little Schnauzer silhouette printables I have hanging up in the house.  On this one, it says, "Keep Calm and Hug a Schnauzer."  =)


If you'd like to join in with the October Photo Challenge 2012, head over to Our Wired Lives to check out the prompts and get the information to link up!  =)


  1. Thank you! And I know -- I love trying to capture all of their ferocious little facial expressions when they play, haha.

  2. I love your photos! Wow Hawaii... beautiful.

    And the doggies are adorable too :)

  3. omgosh...and I just saw your tickers... your dog's name is Lila!? I have a pug named Lila! Spelled the same way too.
