Thursday, November 1, 2012

October Photo Challenge 2012: Day 29 through Day 31

Day 29:  Hope

Gorgeous sunsets like this that just happen to show up the day your husband gets home from a deployment give me hope for my and Mr. L's future.  Also, iPhone, you are forgiven, because I love this picture.

Day 30:  Goal

I absolutely WILL have our Christmas stockings finished by December!  Last year I had the fabric...and didn't even do anything with it.  =(  This year will be different!  And as you can see, the green one (Liam's) is already made, so I'm 1/4th of the way done!

Day 31:  Self-Portrait

I found a really nice pin with photo editing instructions over on Pinterest, so I decided to put it to good use with this picture.  I really like it!


I'd like to thank Our Wired Lives for hosting yet another awesome October Photo Challenge!  It's been great seeing everyone's pictures, and I can't wait until we do it again next year!


  1. How are you making your stockings? It sounds like a fun idea!

    1. I drew up my own pattern (I'm picky, I need stockings to be large enough to at least fit DVDs/CDs!) and I follow this tutorial online:

      I feel like it makes a much sturdier stocking since it's lined. And it's super easy to follow!

  2. Beautiful sunset photo....I can see how that would inspire hope.

    Can you share that pin on how to edit photos?? I'm still learning (a lot) about my camera, that's partly why I joined the photo challenge :) I'm looking for a good editing too that is also user friendly. The one I have on my computer is ok....but doesn't do much from what I can tell.

    1. Thank you! And I sure will, but the tutorial is for Photoshop. If you don't have access to Photoshop, there are lots of other free editing tools that a lot of people I know swear by, like Photoshop Elements, Picasa, and PicMonkey. Here is the website with the instructions:

      If anyone else has free editing tools that they'd recommend, please comment and let us know!

  3. I love that stocking fabric! Lucky puppies!
    And I LOVE picmonkey, it is so easy to use!

    1. Thank you!! And I've heard great things about that program! Isn't it similar to Picnik?

  4. Just found your blog- - beautiful pictures. I live in Hawaii too!

    please stop on by:

    1. Thank you! I will definitely check your blog out =)

  5. Thank you! I've loved seeing all of your pictures too -- you really have an awesome photographer's eye!
