Sunday, October 21, 2012

October Photo Challenge 2012: Day 15 through Day 21

Day 15:  Accomplishment

When Mr. L and I first moved to Hawaii, one of our "goals" was to see each of the three animals Hawaii is known for -- the Hawaiian Monk Seal ('Ilio-holo-i-ka-uaua), the humpback whale (kohola), and the Green Sea Turtle (honu).  I'm happy to say we've accomplished this goal and seen all three!

Day 16:  Edible

One of my favorite pictures from the Nutella Ghost Cakes I made this week -- yum!

Day 17:  Shadow

I had a little trouble coming up with an idea for this picture until I looked over at my window one night and saw my Halloween decorations (foam bats I have hanging from some gauze fabric) throwing their shadows over the walls.  However, I wasn't entirely happy with how the picture came out, so I played around with it post-processing until I found it acceptable.  Kind of looks like the bat signal now, haha.

Day 18:  Corner

Holiday printables like this Halloween subway art make me super happy =)  Check out some more subway art here!

Day 19:  Noise

I am pretty sure it's not hard to imagine the sounds I heard when I took this photo.  Ahh, relaxation...

Day 20:  Nature

I absolutely love the abundance of flowers at the Ho'omalahui Botanical Garden on the windward side of Oahu.

Day 21:  Air

Watching the clouds and mist float over the Ko'olau Mountain Range is a magical, almost otherworldly experience.


If you'd like to join in with the October Photo Challenge 2012, head over to Our Wired Lives to check out the prompts and get the information to link up!  =)


  1. yay for completing the list!!

    1. Absolutely! I'm hoping to be able to get more up close and personal with the seals though...maybe the whales too, who knows!

  2. Your picture choice for noise makes me want to come back =]

  3. Gorgeous photos, thank you for sharing!

  4. Thank you! I'm starting to like the bat picture a little more, but I wish I could've gotten a more defined shadow. I'll work on it and hopefully do better next time!
