Sunday, September 23, 2012

October Photo Challenge 2012

The October Photo Challenge is back!

Next month, I will once again be participating in the October Photo Challenge hosted by Our Wired Lives!  I had a really great time last year documenting my and Mr. L's last month in Alabama, and I feel it helped me make the attempts needed to understand my camera better.  I've been bad for the past few months about not breaking my camera out as often as I should, so I am excited to have a reason to try to get some great shots!  Just be prepared for lots of beautiful scenery and Schnauzers, haha =)

If you'd like to join in, just click on the link above for more information.  Feel free to use your point and shoot, cell phone, or any other kind of camera -- it definitely does not have to be a DSLR!  You also don't have to be a blogger to participate.  As long as you have some kind of feed or stream (like Flickr or Twitter) to link to in order to show your pictures, you are good to go!  I can't wait to see everyone's pictures this year, so I hope you join up!


  1. Haha, thank you! I'm excited too! It's always fun to do these challenges =)

  2. I think I might do this too! Lets see if I can remember to take a picture each day though lol

    1. You should! And with your shiny new camera I don't think you'll have trouble remembering =)
