Saturday, July 14, 2012

Five for Friday

According to my Blogger post count, this week marks the one year anniversary that I started writing Five for Fridays to Mr. L.  (I looked back, and technically I began them on July 7th, 2011, but this is the 52nd Five for Friday so I'll mark this as the one year anniversary instead of last week, haha.) I figured for this post, I'd recap exactly what Five for Fridays are in case anyone was curious!  =)

I was inspired to start writing these theme posts after I saw Jessica over at Jessica Lynn Writes doing them every week, and she in turn was inspired by His Birdie's Nest.  It seemed like a super cute way of reminding Mr. L (and sometimes myself!) why I love him, and it rolled on from there.  Now it's a bit of a ritual for Mr. L to check for a new F4F post, and I began including them in emails when he started deploying this year.  Hopefully I'll still be keeping at it for a long time, and eventually I'd love to do some kind of awesome book compilation like Jessica did for her husband.  Click the link to check out what an amazing job she did!

Anyways, now back to our regularly scheduled programming =)

1.  Thank you for letting me talk.  And talk.  And talk.

2.  It makes me happy when I see you start randomly playing with Liam.  I'm pretty sure that dog adores you.

3.  Kayaking this weekend?!  Yes please!

4.  I'm beyond excited for our Big Island trip.  It can't get here fast enough!

5.  I love how you smell.  (Is that weird?  It's probably weird.  Oh well!)

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