Saturday, May 19, 2012

Deployment Projects

So I may have become a little...ambitious lately, particularly in regards to a certain project I've decided to tackle.  You see, when Mr. L deploys, I tend to take on tasks that will keep me occupied from the time he's gone until when he comes back.  And what did I somehow end up picking for this trip?

Well, I found this fabric:

Premier Prints Acres Twill Harmony/Green fabric via
And I fell in love with it, so I declared that I would somehow make it turn into a king size blanket for our bed.

Did I mention I have very, very little sewing experience?  I've pretty much only made baby blankets and, very recently, my Schnauzer's Christmas stocking.  And, naturally, I've also decided to throw in matching pillows, a headboard, a bedskirt, and possibly drapes, but I'll probably save those for trips in the future.  It should all be a fun experience, though!

I also possibly have a mild case of ADD, because I can't ever do just one project (even if it's a big undertaking like the blanket).  So I'm also doing a mixture of organization, cleaning, and decorating projects that I hope all turn out very nicely.  I guess we'll have to wait and see on that end, though!

How do you deal with deployments?  Do you sew, and if so, do you have any tips?!  I sure could use some!


  1. Hi!! Im so glad that I found your blog! Im also a Navy wife in Hawaii :)

    1. Hi there!! It's very nice to virtually meet you, haha. Where are you stationed, at Pearl?

  2. I love that fabric! I think that deployment projects are pretty popular! Now finishing them... that's another story!

    1. Haha, I know exactly what you mean! It happens to me all the time, especially when I'm very ambitious with what I choose!
