Monday, May 14, 2012

And it Comes Back to Us: Wedding Games

After the bouquet and garter had both been tossed, it was time to finish off the rest of the reception.  First up was a game called The Anniversary Dance.

For this game, all of the married couples hit the floor and start dancing.  After a couple of minutes, the announcer (our DJ) would ask any couples been married for 5 years or less (or any other number of years!) to leave the floor.  Then after another minute or two the announcer would ask for anyone married 10 years or less to leave, and keep going in this pattern until the couple married the longest was left.

We'd pretty much figured it out in advance, but Mr. L's grandparents were the winners of this game!

After the Anniversary Dance, our DJ kept Mr. L and I up in front of everyone and we started the next activity -- the Shoe Game.

Gotta love hilariously awkward laughing faces!
Mr. L and I had to stand back to back with our shoes off of our feet.  I held one of his shoes and one of mine, and he did the same.  Our DJ began to ask us questions, like "Who's more stubborn?" and "Who controls the TV remote?" and even "Who's always right?", and we would answer by holding up one of the shoes.

It was a pretty cute game, and it got some great laughs out of all of our guests (and out of me and Mr. L)!  I love watching this game at other weddings, so it was fun to participate in it as well.


Missed something?  Catch up here!

Before the Big Day
And it Comes Back to Us

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