Sunday, May 13, 2012

And it Comes Back to Us: Let Them Eat Cake!

When we took the last bites of our delicious dinner and finished listening to our loved ones give toasts, we filed all of our guests inside the house and did the cake cutting.  (And yes, I actually did eat at the wedding, thank God!)

I love this picture because it shows nearly all of our guests!
Our delicious cake, complete with fresh dahlias in our colors
It was a pretty typical cake cutting, so I'll let the pictures (and my captions?) do the talking.

My face after this moment is hilarious -- the cake was sooo yummy.
For the wedding cake we were nice to each other!

And then came the groom's cake (you know you wanted to see it again!)

He politely fed me his piece...
And I totally went in for the smash.  Ha!
Talk about some yummy cake =)  I'm pretty sure our guests enjoyed it, too!

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