Monday, May 7, 2012

And it Comes Back to Us: I Just Can't Take My Eyes Off You

After revealing Mr. L's incredibly awesome Boba Fett groom's cake, we walked down the front steps of the Kirk House and were officially announced as husband and wife for the second time that day =)

We were pretty pumped, as you can tell!

Then we dove right into our first official dance as husband and wife.  We ended up choosing the song "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" by Lady Antebellum (press play to enjoy!).

(via YouTube)

The first dance offered us a rare opportunity to commiserate over the events of the past few hours.  He told me how beautiful I looked, and he made me pay attention to his awesome dinner dress whites that he surprised me with (I just assumed he'd wear his normal dress whites, so I loved how unique he looked!).  I asked him what he thought about the Imperial March surprise and he let me know he was completely surprised and loved that I did it.  We continued to talk dance along to the music while reveling in our newfound position as husband and wife.


Missed something?  Catch up here!

Before the Big Day
And it Comes Back to Us

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