Monday, April 30, 2012

And it Comes Back to Us: Portraits

After the girls and the guys got dressed and ready to go, our photographer took both Mr. L and me (separately, of course!) either outside or around the house to have some portrait photos taken.  Although I don't have all of the pictures taken that day, here are a few!

Mr. L was also able to squeeze in a couple of portraits with his best man and best friend =)

I love that they've been best friends since kindergarten!
After my portraits were finished, I went back upstairs to find out that we'd had a wardrobe malfunction occur!  My MOH and SIL had the zipper break on her dress!  We were all incredibly worried as we tried to figure out what we should do.

Physical evidence of our worry!
Luckily, Mr. L's aunt came upstairs and saved the day.  Thanks to some sewing kits I'd made sure to include in our "wedding day kits", she was able to literally sew my MOH into her dress!  Miraculously it held up wonderfully throughout the entire ceremony and reception.  You were amazing, Aunt Nell!  Thank you again!

After all of our hemming and hawwing and some intense sewing (which only delayed the ceremony by a half hour!), it was time to get the ceremony started!


Missed something?  Catch up here!

Before the Big Day
And it Comes Back to Us

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