Monday, March 12, 2012

You've Got Snail Mail: Postcard Swap 2012

Back last month, after spying this post from blogger Jessica of Jessica Lynn Writes, I decided to join up and participate in JLW's 2012 Postcard Swap!

My postcard pal was Cat of all the way in the beautiful state of North Carolina, which according to Google is about 4500 miles away from me here in Honolulu!  She sent me a U.S. Army postcard (yay for more military wives!), which made me tear up a little since it reminded me of my National Guard brother =)

Thank you Cat for your sweet postcard, and thank you to Jessica for hosting this fun swap!

Do you enjoy getting good old-fashioned snail mail?


To see more postcards from Postcard Swap 2012, check out this link:


  1. I'm so glad you had fun with this—thanks for participating! I also love that the card you received managed to hit home a little :) It's a small world!

    1. Thank you for hosting it! It's so neat to be able to connect with other bloggers and find out the things you have in common. It definitely is a small world! =)
