Friday, March 16, 2012

P52 - Week Eleven: The "Eyes" of March

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

{This week's linkup can be found here:}

For this week's prompt I decided to use the hubby as a model once again =)

I adore the color of his eyes.  So beautiful!  And of course I couldn't resist these little Schnauzer eyes either.


Interested in joining the Project 52 Challenge?  Check out this FAQ link via!



  1. It's interesting to look closely at eyes. There are so many shades of blue that I miss seeing when looking at people from a distance. Only when you get close up do you notice all those amazing flecks of color. Great shot!

    1. Thank you! I love eyes too -- everything from the colors to the expressions you can capture in them. =)

  2. Both shots are great! Your husband's eye color is sooo similar to mine, and what I was originally trying to capture in my shot. You did an amazing job with it!
