Tuesday, March 13, 2012

And it Comes Back to Us: The Gentlemen Dress Up

While the ladies and I were busy getting our makeup done and hair finished, the boys were downstairs in the Kirk House having themselves a good ol' time!

Mr. L and his entourage busied themselves with putting the finishing touches on their outfits and keeping up a lighthearted atmosphere with jokes and laughter.  In the picture above, Mr. L's mother is seeing Mr. L for the first time in his snazzy dinner dress whites!

I love this picture of the two of them!
Mr. L helped his dad with his tie...

...while Mr. L's best friend Joe helped keep the medals on his uniform nice and straight.

It was also around this time that Mr. L and I exchanged our wedding day notes to each other.  His reaction was caught on camera thanks to our wonderful videographers =)

I think this last picture captures his emotions during this time really well -- a little anxious and nervous, but overall very excited for what was to come!

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