Sunday, February 19, 2012

Weekly Menu - February 19 through February 25

Since Mr. L was sick last week (and is still recovering), a couple of meals didn't get made, and I'll be rolling those over into this week.  Plus I'll be allowing for some possible extra "free" days since a great friend of ours is coming into town to visit, yay!

  • Sunday - Pizza (which will be free thanks to a Papa John's coupon card, woohoo!)
  • Monday - Bacon-Wrapped Chicken with green salad
  • Tuesday - Make Joe Cook Night =)
  • Wednesday - Crispy Cheddar Chicken with corn and mashed potatoes
  • Thursday -  Pizza Casserole
  • Friday - Off Night/Leftovers
  • Saturday - Off Night/Leftovers
What do you normally do for dinner when friends and family come to stay?  I hope I stick to cooking, but we might end up being too busy, haha.  We'll see!

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