Monday, February 13, 2012

Military Spouse Survey!

I found this survey on a fellow military spouse blog -- Married to the Red, White, and Blue -- and I thought it would be fun to share a little bit more of my history with Mr. L =)

1. Where did you and your Spouse meet?
  • We first met on Thanksgiving Day in 2004.  A friend of mine was having a Halo party, and since said friend's older brother was Mr. L's best friend, he was there too!  Unfortunately for him, I still don't really remember him from the party -- I knew he was there, but I just couldn't picture him.  The Navy buddy he'd brought home with him for the holiday left a bigger impression on me than he did!  Fortunately for both of us, we got to "re-meet" in February of 2005 =)

2. How old were you when you met?
  • I was 16 going on 17 (ha, I bet I just got that song stuck in your head!); he was 19.

3. How long have you been together?
  • As of February 7th, it's been 7 years, and then married for coming up on 2!

4. Where are you and your spouse originally from?
  • He was born outside of San Antonio, and I was born in Mobile, Alabama.

5. How did you feel about him joining the military?
  • I wasn't around for his initial decision to join the military since I hadn't met him yet, but I was very accepting of his career path.

6. Where did you spouse go to basic training?
  • Naval Station Great Lakes in Michigan =)

7. Has your spouse ever been deployed?
  • Yep, four times total now.

8. Ever been to his promotion ceremony?
  • I haven't been to a promotion ceremony yet (for E-4, he was stationed too far away, and for E-5 he was deployed), but I have been to his two reenlistment ceremonies.

9. How long have you been a military wife?
  • It'll be two years as of May 15th!

10. Did you marry him before or after he joined?
  • After.

11.  How did your husband propose?

  • He completely tricked me into thinking we were going out to lunch with his family because his sister had some "big news"...little did I know there would be big news that had nothing to do with her, and he proposed over a dish of crab legs =)

12.  Where did you get married?

  • The Kirk House and Gardens, a few miles north of Mobile, AL.

13. How old were you when you got married?

  • I was 22, and he was 24.

14, Did he wear his uniform on your wedding day?

  • Yes, he wore his Navy Dinner Dress Whites =)

15. Where are you and your spouse currently stationed?

  • Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Honolulu, Hawaii.

16. Do you live on base?

  • We don't live directly on base, but we do live in base housing.

17.  How long were you married before you had to go through a separation? 

  • Although Mr. L did just leave for a very short time, I don't count that as a real separation, so we technically have not experienced a deployment while married.  Unfortunately it's coming soon, though =(

18. What is your favorite base so far?

  • Out of the three I've had contact with (one in Georgia, one in Florida, and here in Hawaii) I'd have to say I like Pearl Harbor the best.  It's mostly because I've had the most experience with it, but also because it's in a pretty amazing location!

19.  Do you think your spouse looks good in uniform?

  • Heck yes -- I'll never forget him when he was at my high school in his Johnny Cash's the second time I met him.  And he looks even better now!

20. Do you think the military life is more advanced than civilian life?

  • I'm not quite sure I'd use the word "advanced."  It's not entirely fair to compare the two, in my opinion -- they're really apples and oranges.  There are a lot of differences, from the specific stresses we have to deal with to the kind of language we use on a daily basis, but one is no better or no worse than the other, just different.

21. Do you like the benefits you receive as a military dependent?

  • Of course!  It's so nice to feel supported, whether it's from the government or a local business giving out discounts, especially when your significant other is far away.

22. Do you have a lot of military wife friends?

  • I have WAY more since we've moved out here to Hawaii than I ever did before.  It's great to have people around you going through the experiences you are!

23. What is the hardest part of the military lifestyle?

  • The separations, whether they be from your significant other via a deployment or from family and friends back home.  The whole "having to uproot your family and life every 2-4 years" thing kinda sucks too, but it does have perks.

24.  Do you own a lot of military wife stuff?

  • Mainly t-shirts!  But that's about it.

25. Do you support your spouse as a member of the military?

  • 110% percent =)

Do you have any loved ones in the military?  Tell me about them below!  =)

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