Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weekly Menu - January 8 through January 14

In order to help keep myself on track with my little New Year's "resolution", here's our dinner menu for this week:
  • Sunday:  Chicken Parmesan Casserole with side salad
  • Monday: Game Day Appetizers - Rotel, Cream Cheese Crescent Rolls, Assorted Veggies/Fruit
  • Tuesday: Crockpot Baked Potato Soup with bacon bits, cheddar cheese, and green onion (totally excited for this one!)
  • Wednesday: Taco Night
  • Thursday: Crockpot Italian Chicken over pasta
  • Friday: Off Night
  • Saturday: Off Night
Typically Mr. L and I try to do something fun on Fridays or Saturdays, so I wanted to leave those as off days so we can be free to eat out or just eat leftovers =)

What are you having for dinner this week?  Anyone been inspired by Pinterest lately?  Three of my nights feature recipes I've pinned!


  1. Hey girl! I plan out our weekly meals every weekend, and I'm amazed right now how similar ours are for this week...Tonight I cooked chicken parmesan with side salad, tomorrow night is game day food, and Wednesday is taco night (with Friday and Saturday off). It's weird how that worked out :) Miss y'all!

  2. That's so crazy! I guess we just all have similarly awesome tastes, haha. We miss y'all too! Hope you're having a great 2012 so far!
