Friday, January 20, 2012

P52 - Week Three: I Dreamed a Dream

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Ka'ena Point Beach, Oahu, Hawaii -- almost had to pinch myself when we visited this beach!
When I was younger, my dream for myself was to travel the world.  I never knew how I would accomplish this dream -- whether by a job or just a random whim to backpack around a country -- but I always understood that travel was a very important priority for myself.  Little did I know not only would I get some traveling under my belt (thank you, European honeymoon!), I'd actually be living in a place to which most people dream of vacationing!

What's your most favorite place you've traveled to so far?


Interested in joining the Project 52 Challenge?  Check out this FAQ link via!


  1. A lovely picture and living in a place some of us only dream of visiting!!!

  2. I know what you mean! It's so easy to dream away and not have to think about the financial aspect of it. In a way we're fortunate the military got us out here and will eventually get us back, it's just all the trips in between that are going to be costly!
