Friday, January 27, 2012

P52 - Week Four: Self-Portrait

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

{This week's linkup can be found here:}

For this picture the hubs and I were playing around with the camera at this beautiful beach on Hickam AFB, and he insisted on getting a silhouette shot with the sun behind my head.  I think it turned out pretty cool!  (And yep, you caught me -- it's not a true "self-portrait" since he took the pictures, but it's good enough for me!)

And just to be on the safe side (and so no one accuses me of not really doing the challenge, haha), here's another one he snapped which I also think looks nice.  I mean, my hair's a mess and I have no makeup on (c'mon, it was the beach!) but I think my big smile really showcases how happy Mr. L makes me, especially when we're goofing off with each other.  With impending deployments looming around the corner, it's good to cherish these little moments of happiness with each other to give ourselves something to hold on to (and look forward to having again) in the coming months.


Interested in joining the Project 52 Challenge?  Check out this FAQ link via!

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