Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wednesday Words

"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful."
- Norman Vincent Peale

(Our Christmas tree this year, freshly put up and decorated, which is why there weren't presents!)

Christmas in Hawaii is strange.  The only time I'm reminded that we're nearing the holiday is when we go out to stores that yell at us to buy things.  Otherwise it just feels...well, not like Christmas!  Although it's not like we ever got snow or anything in Alabama, haha.  But it at least got cold there...although I'm not complaining about the weather here at all since it feels so amazing.  I'm loving the cool evening breezes, they make me want some hot cocoa!  =)

I miss a lot of the traditions we'd do each year back home, like visiting Bellingrath Gardens, having big family get-togethers and parties, and just spending time together.  I'm really, really hoping we'll be able to get back to Alabama either next Christmas or the one after it.  Guess we'll just have to pray and wait and see!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!  =)

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