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Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Hawaiian Update

So now that Mr. L and I have been in Hawaii for over a month, and since we finally have internet and my desktop here, I figured now is a good time to recap some of the events that have occurred on this beautiful island!

First of all, we arrived in Honolulu,

(Pardon the blur -- it says "Aloha, Honolulu International Airport"!)

were picked up by Mr. L's sponsor and his wife, and taken to our home for the next ten days, the Navy Lodge...

We explored the grounds of the Lodge, located on Ford Island...

(View from Ford Island of Pearl City)

(Ballistic missile defense radar called the X-Band)

Where we saw plenty of rainbows!

Then our car arrived, and we put the pedal to the metal and drove around the southeastern portion of Oahu...

Where we saw some gorgeous water and beaches...

And beautiful panoramic views.

Then we got a house and moved in...

And went on a couple more road trips to see more gorgeous views!

(Halona Blow Hole) 

("Eternity" beach, from the movie From Here to Eternity


 (Hanauma Bay)

(Look at that gorgeous water!)

We did some other things as well that I didn't take any pictures of, like semi-exploring downtown Honolulu right around rush hour (do NOT attempt this, it was horrible!) and enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving with some good friends of ours.  I'm pretty sure the highlight of this week at least was the topic I covered in my last Wednesday Words post -- getting our mini Schnauzer back =)

(Photo courtesy of Kari from Island Pet Movers)

Well, there's our first month in a picture nutshell =)  I can't wait to take more pictures to show everyone and to start scratching off things to do on our Hawaiian bucket list!  Aloha for now!


  1. Thank you, I do too! He's such a cutie =)

  2. hey i just found your blog and am a new follower! My husband and i will be moving to hawaii soon...well not super soon. Soon enough that im looking around. i love the layout of your house and am wondering are you living on base? I have been looking all over the place on the internet for housing..do you have tips? Also i am so thankful that you put the link to the people you used to get liam to the island...we have dogs also. I am so glad i found your blog! Hope all is well hope to hear back from you also!
    Lou from Guinnandbareit.blogspot.com

    1. Hi Lou! Welcome to the blog =) I bet you are super excited about moving to Hawaii! Will it be this year? I hope the transition goes as smoothly for you guys as it has for us!

      The company that we went through to get housing is called Forest City. Their website is http://www.fcnavyhawaii.com/ and while they really aren't the best management company by any stretch of the definition, it's what we had to work with since I wanted to live in "base housing" (most of the housing here isn't actually located on base, by the way; it's close by though, just managed by a private company). I'm pretty sure there's another management company around here, but I can't for the life of me remember what they're called. I'll look around and see if I can remember for you.

      I see that you're Army? Which base will you guys be stationed at? We're at Pearl, and we live in housing that's literally right outside of the main gate (the neighborhood is called Hokulani). Unfortunately if you go through Forest City, there isn't much you can do in advance. You don't get put on a waiting list until you're actually here, and then you just pray really, really hard that you get housing ASAP (this is at least how it worked for us since we're Navy -- I'm not 100% sure if you guys will go through the same thing).

      If you have any more questions about housing or Hawaii's pet quarantine feel free to shoot me an email at elandrum501@gmail.com =) Take care, and I can't wait to read more of your blog!



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