Tuesday, November 1, 2011

You Say Goodbye, And I Say Aloha

I originally wrote this post yesterday because I knew today would strictly be a travel day (20 hours total)!  So if you're reading this, Mr. L and I are already off to Hawaii!  For the next couple of weeks, there will be regularly scheduled posts to keep up with, so stay tuned for those!  Aloha!


I woke up this morning, the day before Mr. L and I move, feeling overwhelmed and anxious for what lay ahead of us. I lay in my bed (my bed of nearly the last decade of my life, minus the past year) wondering silently, "Has it really already arrived?" In a way, the nerves and anxiety (with a shot of excitement!) feels like our wedding day all over again, when I woke up in the same bed in much the same frame of mind. If only I'd written down what I'd been feeling on that day, too!

We've come to a crossroads; now the "talking" is over and the action must begin. We can't just say, "Oh, we're moving to Hawaii at the end of the year, isn't it fabulous?" anymore. Now we have to prove to everyone we weren't lying and actually go, haha.

The month of October that we spent at home with our families FLEW by right before our eyes; it's practically slipped out of our hands like grains of sand. We've made some wonderful memories with wonderful friends and family (which I'll be writing about in future posts!), and I couldn't be happier that we were able to receive such a lovely gift before we have to part ways.

Our families have also been incredibly accommodating, loving, and overall amazing, and it is going to be remarkably difficult having to physically leave them for three years. They have done so much for us and offered so much support to us; the void we feel as we depart the mainland on a tiny plane will be vast.  Thank you all, and we love you so much!!  We absolutely cannot wait until we get to see you again, whether in Hawaii or back home!

I'll post again soon when we get some internet, and you can bet I'll be uploading pictures along the way.  And hey!  I guess now my blog title will actually be the truth since we'll finally be in Hawaii, haha!

Aloha for now!  =)

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