Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday Words

"A journey is like a marriage.  The certain way to be wrong is to think you can control it."
- John Steinbeck

I'm really inspired by this quote today, so here's hoping I keep these words close by when things inevitably don't go our way in the next few weeks while we get settled in Hawaii!


  1. Aloha! Welcome to the island!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this quote (and the picture with it is really beautiful also)!

    If you have any questions about anything at all now that you are here, let me know! I'm still new myself, but with the extra couple of months behind me I might be of a little help. :-) I don't know many people around here either, so other than my volunteering and occasional house cleaning I am pretty available to answer questions!

    Also, the street names here are crazy. I suggest a GPS if you don't already have one. :-) is my email!

  2. Thank you so much, bejellyfish! I'll be in touch via email =)
