Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Celebrating Baby Grace!

Back at the beginning of October, on the day after Mr. L and I returned to Alabama from Maryland, our family and friends got together to celebrate the future arrival of a sweet, precious, baby girl named Grace!

It was a lovely shower, with beautiful decorations that had a fun and cute animal print theme.

The future older brother was around, of course, and looking just as handsome as ever!

The games were pretty fun -- for one, we had to answer a few questions about my brother and SIL to see who knew them best, and for another, the almost-parents-again competed to see who could diaper a baby the fastest!

I had my money on SIL, but wouldn't you know it, my brother pretty much owned at that game =)

After the games, it was time to open presents!  Bryant got to open his "I'm going to be a big brother!" present first =)

(You can tell he loved it -- he's enthralled!)

Then his mommy and daddy went to town on the pile of presents as we all looked on.

(Pap attempting to keep Bryant entertained during the rest of the present-opening!)

When present time was over, we spent the rest of the afternoon eating and mingling with the rest of the guests, a combination of dear friends and family.

 (I love my Grandma!)

 Speaking of my Grandma, the day before the shower, she had her "29th" birthday, so in order to celebrate, my brother and SIL surprised her with a cake!

She didn't believe them at first when they told her it was for her birthday, but she finally sat down so we could sing Happy Birthday to her.

(I love the looks she gives...this one clearly says, "Oh no you didn't...") 

But of course, there was a catch, as is usually the case with my brother.  The candles on the cake were trick candles, you know, the kind you can't blow out!

(G-Maw was not amused...okay she kind of was =) ) 

I totally caught it on video, and I had no clue they were trick candles.  I'll treasure that forever, haha.

All in all, it was a wonderful way to celebrate some special ladies in our lives -- my grandma, my SIL, and my soon-to-be niece.  We love you all, and we can't wait until you arrive, sweet Grace!  =)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! The baby shower looks so darling! I especially love the little baby cake topper! That is super cute!
