Thursday, November 17, 2011

And it Comes Back to Us: May 15th Arrives

Mr. L and I are currently getting settled in Hawaii, and since we may or may not have access to internet, here are some pre-written scheduled posts to keep you guys entertained!


The night before our wedding, I thankfully had no issues with sleeping. I figured it might take me a long time to drift off, but I must have been pretty tired from the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner since I passed out around 12am.

Mr. L apparently had a good ol' time the night before. He and some of his friends left the rehearsal dinner to go watch a movie and hang out in the hotel room, laughing and enjoying his time with his buddies.  I'm so happy he got to spend more time with his friends -- being in the military means lots of long-distance friendships, so he definitely got in some good quality time with his buds!

(Just a quick reminder of how much they love each other so very inappropriately.)

I woke up in my room a little early that morning, around 8am.  Luckily our wedding wasn't scheduled until 5pm that evening, so everyone was able to get a little more shuteye than would have otherwise been possible.  I got up, took a peek out the window, saw beautiful clear, sunny skies, and said a quick thank you prayer!

I hopped in the shower, reveling in the refreshing hot water, and after getting out I took a few minutes to just relax, breathe, and oh, of course, check Facebook!

After presumably updating my status and reading some of the well-wishers' messages, I ventured out to eat a quick breakfast, dry my hair, and help load some of the tons of supplies that needed to head to the venue.

(Our venue, the Kirk House)

We arrived at the Kirk House in the late morning, decorations in hand, and proceeded to begin set up.  It definitely took a LONG time to complete everything, and some things we didn't take into consideration (like the wind blowing the programs out of the chairs), but it all eventually did come together beautifully.  My mother did an amaaaaazing job making sure everything turned out as perfectly as it could, and her "helpers" (family and friends, especially my friend Bonnie and her hubby) were pretty awesome themselves =)

Since it was relatively warm outside already, I was banned from helping with the decorations outside, so I did a few little things inside, like set up the seating chart and steam the table linens (my hairdresser arrived a little early and ended up helping out with this part as well -- thank you so much, Mrs. Darlene!).  I really felt like I should be outside at least helping set up tables or something, but by the time I was done with my tasks inside, it was time for me to start getting ready!


Missed something?  Catch up here!

Before the Big Day
And it Comes Back to Us

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