Thursday, October 20, 2011

October Photo Challenge: Day 20 - Bokeh

Today's assignment seemed intimidating when I first read it back at the beginning of the challenge.  I'm absolutely 100% an amateur photographer, so I didn't even really know what bokeh is.  But as I was going through and editing pictures I'd taken of my brother and SIL for her maternity session, I realized I didn't need to be intimidated -- I'd already showcased an example of bokeh in one of those photos!

I'm going to play around a little more today and see if I can get more examples of bokeh with my camera.  Wish me luck!  =)

If you're interested in joining up with the 30 Day October Photo Challenge, check out this post and leave a comment to sign up.  Then check out the group Flickr page, join up, and add your pictures there too!

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