Monday, October 17, 2011

October Photo Challenge: Day 16 - Long Exposure

So after my original idea didn't pan out for this shot, I decided to take Mr. L out to the backyard and play with some flashlights!  (Also, oops!  Another last minute post, yikes!)

(Mr. L's attempt at a heart, which he declared actually looks more like a peach instead...)

This was my absolute first experience with using long exposure, so I really had no idea what I was doing.  I kept playing around with the ISO and whatnot, and the background always came out green like that.  Is it just the lighting that was outside (moonlight + a fluorescent shed light)?  Also, if you have any tips for me on how I can make better long exposure shots, please leave them in the comments!  They're such an awesome concept, and I'd love to shoot more like them, just better than this, obviously!


If you're interested in joining up with the 30 Day October Photo Challenge, check out this post and leave a comment to sign up.  Then check out the group Flickr page, join up, and add your pictures there too!


  1. This is pretty cool! It could be a pumpkin too... since it looks kinda orange and it is October. ;-)

    We're stationed in Hawaii also right now at Hickam! Check out my blog! I really like your photo challenge! When we get settled I will need to check that out!


  2. Haha, it could definitely be a pumpkin! And that's awesome! We're getting there very soon, and I'm super excited about it! =) Checking out your blog now!
