Monday, October 10, 2011

October Photo Challenge: Day 10 - Childhood Memory

Today's picture isn't so much about what we're doing in the picture as it is about the person in the picture.

My dad is awesome.  He's a great father, husband, and man.  I've learned a lot about life through him, and I would definitely call myself a daddy's girl.  Some of my best childhood memories are because of him (and no, Dad, you losing me in K-Mart wasn't one of them!), especially when they involved being outside and doing some kind of fun activity.

So this picture I took while we were out four-wheeling might be rather recent, but seeing it still brings back many memories of years past of me just hanging out with my dad doing something fun.

I love you Dad!


If you're interested in joining up with the 30 Day October Photo Challenge, check out this post and leave a comment to sign up.  Then check out the group Flickr page, join up, and add your pictures there too!

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