Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Before the Big Day: An Afternoon Tea

On the Saturday before the wedding, my dear friend Bonnie was gracious enough to throw a fabulous afternoon tea party for me! We all dolled up in pretty dresses and had ourselves a fabulous time =)

(Gorgeous decorations, plus my MIL, myself, my mom, and my nephew!)

(Adorable honey favors!) 

(I loved all of the pink, especially the roses!)

Not only was the decor downright beautiful, let me tell you, I still have dreams about the salad and french onion soup she served.  YUM!  (I need that recipe in my life, Bonnie!)

After helping ourselves to a delicious lunch and plenty of tea, we posed for some pictures.

(Mr. L's grandmother, MIL, me, my mom, SIL, and nephew!) 

(Me and my other SIL!)

(Posing with our beautiful hostess!) 

(I can't believe how young he looks here either!) 

This wonderful afternoon tea really helped kick off a pretty awesome week.  It was great to relax with many of the lovely ladies in my life and just eat, talk, and catch up.  All of the effort that Bonnie put into this tea really made me feel so loved!  Thank you SO much for everything that you did, Bonnie!  I love you!

(All pictures courtesy of Mr. L's sister, K)


Missed something?  Catch up here!

Before the Big Day
And it Comes Back to Us


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