Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday Words

"Don't be afraid if things seem difficult in the beginning. That's only the initial impression. The important thing is not to retreat; you have to master yourself."
- Olga Korbut

 (Diamond Head Crater, Oahu, Hawaii)

I think I'm only beginning to realize that Mr. L and I are moving to Hawaii in ONE month (eek!!), and I don't believe it'll fully hit me until we actually step on our first plane and leave the airport for good.  It'll definitely be a super emotional day for me (can you say Ugly Cry?!) that on some levels I'm dreading, and on other levels I'm looking forward to.

Regardless of that particular day though, I'm really hoping that we will take the next month and savor our extra unimpeded time with friends and family, and that we'll treasure the memories we're going to make (and have made, especially in the past week!) with everyone.  Here's to hoping that time doesn't fly by too quickly in October!

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