Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Years

It's been ten years today since terrorists set foot on those four planes and altered so many people's lives so drastically, from those who lost loved ones in the attacks to those today who are still fighting the wars that spawned from those actions.

I think it is incredibly important to realize the impact a post-9/11 world has on all of us as American citizens; but it is just equally as important to remember how we felt in the minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months after the attacks.  That unity, closeness, and love we felt for our fellow citizens is something we desperately need to recover in a world filled with so much ignorance, misunderstanding, and hatred.

I'd be hard-pressed to find a more accurate representation of that emotion than Jon Stewart's first show after 9/11, found below, which originally aired on September 20th, 2001.

God bless our families still coping with losses from this tragedy; God bless our troops still fighting to protect our country and our freedoms; God bless our fellow countrymen; and God bless America.

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