Monday, August 1, 2011

It's Your Birthday, Bonnie!

Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of attending a paint party in honor of my wonderful friend Bonnie's birthday!

For those of you who have never attended one of these parties, basically, before you arrive you choose a painting you'd like to paint, and then at the party an employee (or multiple employees) will help you add details to your painting to make it look beautiful and nice.

My painting (a hibiscus in honor of Hawaii!) waiting on some detail work to make it look better!

At many of these places, you can also bring your choice of food and beverages, and we of course had to indulge:

I had such a wonderful time hanging out with Bonnie and her friends.  They really are such a warm, loving bunch of people and you can't help but smile when you're around any of them!

A few of us with our finished paintings!
And since today is officially her date of birth, I also wanted to wish Bonnie a very, very happy birthday!  I love you and I'll see you again soon!

Me with the birthday girl!

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