Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Joys of Moving

Okay, so my post title tonight is a little sarcastic.

Moving sucks.  Especially when you find out last minute that the packers are actually coming a day sooner than you thought they were.

Here's a little journey through our apartment earlier in the day:

Messy living room
Messy guest room
Always messy office
Confused hubby
Neglected (and also confused) puppy
It's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that as of next Thursday, our time in Pensacola will be over.  It's been wonderful being able to live with each other for the past year and really strengthen our relationship.  It will be challenging dealing with the separations in Hawaii, but we're remaining optimistic.

But for now, panic mode is about to ensue since the movers will be here in LESS THAN TWO DAYS.

<flips a lid>

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