Monday, March 28, 2011

My Sister is in the Air Force!

A couple of weeks ago, Mr. L's parents, Mr. L, and I took a road trip to San Antonio, Texas so we could celebrate Mr. L's sister's Air Force basic training graduation!  (Wow, that is a mouthful of a sentence...)  Here are some highlights from the trip!

Day One (Thursday, March 17th):

Seeing our K-Bug for the first time in two months!

We missed her so much!
Brotherly-sisterly love
Day Two (Friday, March 18th):

Graduation Day
K's unit marching to their designated spot on the field; she's on the opposite side, right in front of the really tall girl in the back!

A better brother-sister picture :)

Mr. L and his family!
Us and the extended family talking -- probably about where we're going next!
All the Landrums :)
K's room she shared with 40-something other girls
Mr. L giving K another coin
One of K's many, many, many desserts -- but this one was free!  :)
Day Three (Saturday, March 19th):

Downtown San Antonio
The Alamo
Mr. L and Uncle Bro
In front of the Alamo
Photo op while heading towards the River Walk
The fam!
Uncle Bro and K
San Antonio River Walk
Goofing off in one of the stores along the River Walk :)
K and her dad in front of the Texas and American flags :)
Mr. L and Mama C waiting for a table for lunch
Casa Rio, the oldest Mexican restaurant on the River Walk
My margarita!  :)
Mmm, my shrimp was SO good and SO fresh!
Mr. L's plate...I think they were tamales?  Don't quote me on that!
Mama C's plate...enchiladas, if I remember correctly!
We also had additional guests join us at the table for dinner!
We had a wonderful trip -- it was great getting to spend some quality time with Mr. L's parents as well as his "extended family" who live in the area.  We also got to experience some of Mr. L's family's history -- he was actually born close to San Antonio when his parents lived out there twenty-something years ago.  And, of course, it was so great seeing K again after all those months!

Mr. L and I truly couldn't be happier for or more proud of our sister.  We love you so much K!!

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