Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler!

Happy Mardi Gras 2011 everyone!

Since today is Fat Tuesday (and unfortunately we weren't able to attend the festivities in Mobile) I figured I'd go ahead and do a post on our Mardi Gras parades we did get to see this year :)

Our first trip was a couple of weeks ago on February 19th.  Mr. L and I headed to downtown Mobile by ourselves to catch some goodies by ourselves.  His dad was already down there doing security work for a local hotel, so we stood with him a bit until the parade started.

The crowd waiting on the parade to start...it was pretty slow that day!
With some of our loot...definitely a slow night!
Downtown Mobile -- the pointy building is the RSA Tower which lights up green, purple, and gold for Mardi Gras season!
The next parade was on a Thursday night, and I went sans Mr. L with my sister-in-law, brother, nephew, and father.

Pap and Bryant!
It was Bryant's very first Mardi Gras parade, and I think he had a fun time!

One of the parade floats
And here's little man playing with all of his goodies after the parade!

I went to another parade about two days after this one, this time with Mr. L in tow.  Some extended family were in town to enjoy the festivities, and I think they enjoyed it!

There were definitely a lot more people downtown this time, as proven by these pictures:

The floats were also pretty cool:

Outer space!
A chess-inspired float
Mardi Gras 2011 was very fun this year!  Mr. L and I will be sad to miss it for the next few years, but that will just make it more great when we get back to the mainland and can enjoy it again.  Who knows, maybe we'll fly in one year just to experience the season once more?  :)

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