Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo

After visiting the grocery store on Tuesday, I decided to use a product I purchased, Philadelphia's new Cooking Creme, and attempt to make some chicken and broccoli alfredo for dinner last night.  I didn't follow a recipe of the traditional kind; I just went on intuition, and I think it came out fairly well.  It was fast, easy to prepare, and Mr. L was happy with it, so I was happy :)

  • 1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breast
  • 1 tsp garlic
  • 1 cup chopped fresh broccoli
  • 1 tub Philadelphia Cooking Creme (flavor of your choice)
  • Pasta of your choice, enough for four servings (I went with spaghetti since it was in the pantry!)

Take your chicken breasts and slice them into 1-inch pieces.

Chop enough fresh broccoli to make around one cup; if you like more broccoli, feel free to add more.

Go ahead and cook your pasta according to package directions.

Add a little oil to a deep skillet, and add the chopped chicken.  Cook through, and then add 1 tsp of garlic.

Add your chopped broccoli to the party; allow to cook for a few minutes, and then add the whole tub of Cooking Creme.  Mix together.

As soon as pasta is finished cooking, add to the skillet as well and mix together.  (If your noodles absorb most of the creme like mine did, you may want to have another tub on hand -- I ended up using some leftover alfredo sauce in my fridge.)

Serve immediately for optimal tasting pleasure :)

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