Monday, January 24, 2011

Honeymoon Photo Book

I'm super excited about a new project I'm halfway finished with -- a honeymoon photo book!

I contemplated just going the traditional route with our honeymoon photos by printing them from Snapfish and putting them in a normal photo album, but I wanted to learn more about the other options that are out there.  Since I've made two photo books before (of our wedding pictures for our parents' Christmas presents) with the help of, I was definitely interested in pursuing that route again.  But with a project this extensive (TONS more pictures than the fifty or so chosen for our parents' albums) I knew it would take a little more personalization than Shutterfly had to offer.

Front cover of the wedding album we made for my parents
I've been avidly browsing for about a year now, and a few posts written by the bloggers have been dedicated to wedding albums, or photo books.  Someone mentioned, and although it took me a bit to finally check it out, I'm pretty happy that I did.

Blurb offers so much more customization plus the ability to tackle large projects with many pictures.  I downloaded their free software, BookSmart, and I was well on my way to designing my album!

I broke our pictures into two halves since there are roughly 600 pictures in total.  The first part will include the beginning of our trip all the way to our first excursion from Monte Carlo, and the second part will pick up after Monte Carlo and end with the end of the honeymoon.  I'm currently constructing the second part, but the first part has been polished up and just recently ordered!
Here's the cover of the first book:

I'm pretty excited about actually getting the book in my hands and seeing how it looks.  The best part was that the total for one book was only about $34 (with a free shipping code), so if it's terrible, I won't feel as upset as if I'd ordered an $80-100 book.  It isn't scheduled to ship until the first of February, but you can bet as soon as I get it in my hands, I'll be ready to (in true blogger fashion) take some detail pictures of it and review my experience with Blurb!

Going through this process also made me realize that I've never properly recapped our honeymoon.  With our one year anniversary getting closer and closer, I think it will definitely be appropriate to tackle honeymoon recaps in the near future.  It'll be a neat way to bring back some fond memories of one really awesome trip, so expect those soon!

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